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Plant information & care

Yucca filamentosaYucca filamentosa hardy large plant


Yucca filamentosa

R.H.S. Award of Garden Merit.

The erect sword-like leaves of this hardy evergreen shrub form a stemless rosette, superb for specimen planting. A must have for the mediterranean garden, or dry sites, loves sun can handle drought. Ideal for coastal seaside holiday homes.

In summer tall stems of white bell-shaped flowers are displayed by established plants.

Plant with Phormiums or Cordyline or Agave

Height and Spread: 180cm x 120cm(6 ft x 4 ft).
Position: Thrives in any well-drained soil if sited in full sun.

Planting: Ensure root ball is thoroughly moist when planting and maintain plant at the same level in the soil as it was in the container.

Back-fill planting hole with two parts soil mixed with one part peat substitute and a handful of bonemeal. Firm well and water in. Keep moist until established.


